
In October 2024, Professor Rasoul Namazi of Duke Kunshan University and Professor Svetozar Y. Minkov of Roosevelt University published a major work, Leo Strauss on Religion: Writings and Interpretations, with State University of New York Press (SUNY). This volume presents an edited collection of newly discovered writings by Leo Strauss, the seminal German-American political philosopher […]

On the 27th of November, 2024, Duke Kunshan University students got a glimpse of the research field of anthropology and what a vegan lifestyle entails through an event titled “Discover the Secret of Well-Being”. The event forms a segment of “The Voices from the Research Field” series, organized and presented by Anthroplogy@DKU and generously sponsored […]

Duke Kunshan University’s teaching philosophy focuses on students gaining a global and practical outlook on their studies while immersing themselves in the local community. It is through the efforts of Prof. Luyao Zhang, in collaboration with Prof. Mingchun Huang, and scholars from the Division of Arts and Humanities that such goals were achieved during a […]

Duke Kunshan University Professor Lindsay Rathnam worked with “Ideas,” a Canadian public broadcast series, and the second part of their collaboration came out this September. Professor Rathnam and other academics discussed Herodotus and how the ancient Greek thinker helps us understand contemporary politics. It is a wonderful podcast, especially useful for those who are unfamiliar […]

New Publication This article that one of DKU alumni Krista McJarrow-Keller and Prof. Keping Wu co-authored is finally published in a well ranked journal. · · · From Survivalism to Rooted Cosmopolitanism: Transformations of a Chinese Voluntary Association in New Zealand · · · Author Krista McJarrow-Keller Krista is a DKU graduate of the Cultures […]

Nathan, Charles, Curtis Bram, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Jason Douglas Todd. May 6, 2024. “The Donor Went Down to Georgia: Out-of-District Donations and Rivalrous Representation.” Political Behavior. Most money spent in US congressional campaigns comes from donors outside a race’s electoral district. Scholars argue that representatives accepting out-of-district donations become “surrogate representatives” for outside donors. Yet […]

Todd, Jason Douglas, Curtis Bram, and Arvind Krishnamurthy. Forthcoming. “Do At-large Systems Reduce Black Representation? A New Baseline for County Legislatures.” Electoral Studies. BlurbLocal governments affect the lives of their citizens on a daily basis, and it matters who serves. Much work has shown that, at all levels, Black Americans tend to be underrepresented in […]

Congratulations to Prof. Rasoul Namazi who has won The Delba Winthrop Award for Excellence in Political Science for his book titled “Leo Strauss and Islamic Political Thought” (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022). In his book, Rasoul Namazi offers the first in-depth study of Leo Strauss’s writings on Islamic political thought. Concentrating on Strauss’s thought, the […]

The Nils Petter Gleditsch JPR article of the Year Award Prof. Hyun Jeong HaMy co-authored paper (equal authorship with two other authors), “Regime change and religious discrimination after the Arab Uprisings” was granted the Nils Petter Gleditsch JPR article of the Year Award. I am thankful for the recognition of my collaborative research endeavors with […]

On Jan 12 from 2:00–3:30 PM, come and talk with the authors about how to learn languages independently, and about how to write a book and getting it published!