Selected Publications 2024
Andrew Cheon
Pischedda, C., Cheon, A., & Moller, S. B. (2024). Can you have it both ways? Attribution and plausible deniability in unclaimed coercion. European Journal of International Security, 1-18
Andrew MacDonald
Jason Gainous, Rongbin Han, Andrew W MacDonald, and Author Kevin M. Wagner (2024). Directed Digital Dissidence in Autocracies.
Annemieke van den Dool
Van den Dool, A. (2024). Book review “Christopher M. Weible & Samuel Workman (Eds.), Methods of the Policy Process”, International Review of Public Policy 6(1).
Jia, C., Cao, Q., Wang, Z., van den Dool, A., and Yue, M. “Climate Change Affects the Spread of Typhoid Pathogens.” Microbial Biotechnology.
Van den Dool, A. and Qiu, T. (2024). “Policy Processes in China: A Systematic Review of the Multiple Streams Framework.” Policy & Politics.
Van den Dool, A. and Schlaufer, C. (2024). “Policy Process Theories in Autocracies: Explanatory Power, Key Features, and Research Priorities.” Review of Policy Research.
Zahariadis, N., Petridou, E., and Van den Dool, A. (2024). “Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching the Multiple Streams Framework.” In Handbook of Teaching, Training, and Learning Public Policy, edited by P. Zittoun and E. St. Denny.Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Van den Dool, A. and Li, J. (2024). “Applying the Multiple Streams Framework to Lawmaking in China: The 2004 Amendment of the Infectious Diseases Law.” In China’s Evolving Policy Processes under the Comparative Lenses, edited by Wei Li. London: Routledge.
Claudia Nisa
Abakoumkin, G., Tseliou, E., McCabe, K. O., Lemay Jr, E. P., Stroebe, W., Agostini, M., … & Leander, N. P. (2024). Conceptual replication and extension of health behavior theories’ predictions in the context of COVID‐19: Evidence across countries and over time. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12909.
Fisher, A. (…) & Nisa, C. F. part of the PsyCorona Collaboration. The Precarity of Progress: Implications of a Shifting Gendered Division of Labor for Relationships and Well-Being as a Function of Country-Level Gender Equality. Sex Roles 90, 642–658 (2024).
David Landry
David Landry & Gailyn Portelance, 2021. “More Problems More Money? Does China Lend More to African Countries with Higher Credit Risk Levels?,” Working Papers 568, Center for Global Development.
David Landry, Keyi Tang. Calculated Capital: The Business Logic Behind Chinese Lending in the Global South
Fan Liang
Fan Liang, Li Ji. 2024. Manufacturing influencers: The gatekeeping roles of MCNs (multi-channel networks) in cultural production. Information, Communication&Society.
Fan Liang, Scott W. Campbell. 2024. Explaining the technological acceptance of 5G: Quantitative and qualitative insights from China and the United States. International Communication Gazette.
J Cao, X Peng, F Liang, X Tong. 2024. “Voices Help Correlate Signs and Words”: Analyzing Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) TikTokers’ Content, Practices, and Pitfalls. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Li, M., Liang, F., & Zhu, Q. (2024). Examining active news avoidance across countries: A multi-level moderation analysis of news interests, news trust, and press freedom, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 1-25.
Fangsheng Zhu
Zhu, F., & Xue, J. (2024). The Inclusion Paradox: Why Inclusive Space Excludes Migrant Children, and Vice Versa. Chinese Education & Society, 57(1–2), 121–140.
Feifan Zhang
Feng, Felix Zhiyu, Curtis R. Taylor, Mark M. Westerfield, and Feifan Zhang. “Setbacks, shutdowns, and overruns.” Econometrica, Forthcoming (2024).
Gergely Horvath
Horvath, G. (2024). Network formation and efficiency in linear-quadratic games: An experimental study. Economic Journal, forthcoming.
Gergely Horváth, Mofei Jia, The impact of social status on the formation of collaborative ties and effort provision: An experimental study, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 113, 2024, 102298, ISSN 2214-8043,
Hyun Jeong Ha
Hyun Jeong Ha. 2024. Religious Fundamentalism and Social Conflicts. Korea National Open University Press.
Keping Wu
McJarrow-Keller, K., & Wu, K. (2024). From Survivalism to Rooted Cosmopolitanism: Transformations of a Chinese Voluntary Association in New Zealand. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(16), 3467–3487.
Wu, K. (2024). The Art of Neighboring beyond the Nation: Ethnic and Religious Pluralism in Southwest China. Religions, 15(3), 333.
Kristinn Mar Arsaelsson
Schlachter, L. H., & Ársælsson, K. M. (2024). Civic Work: Making a Difference On and Off the Clock. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 130 (1).
Markus Neumann
Ira Soboleva
Ruggeri, K., Stock, F., Haslam, S.A. et al. A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19. Nature 625, 134-147 (2024)
Jason Douglas Todd
Todd, Jason Douglas, Curtis Bram, and Arvind Krishnamurthy. 2024. “Do At-large Elections Reduce Black Representation? A New Baseline for County Legislatures.” Electoral Studies 88(April): 102750.
Jianzi He
He, J. (2024). The Price of Losing Autonomy: Assessing the Economic Impact of County-to-District Mergers in China.Urban Affairs Review, o(o).
He, Jianzi & Yijia Jing. (2024). “Subnational Government and Governance in China.” In the Handbook on Subnational Governments and Governance, Claudia N. Avellaneda & Ricardo A. Bello-Gómez, eds. pp.166-179. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Jonathan Spiegler
LJonathan Spiegler, Jacob Smith (equal contribution), and Aidan Lovely (third author). 2024. Clearing the Bench: The Perils of Appointing Politicians to the Cabinet. Journal of Policy History.
Jonathan Spiegler (first author), Carlos Güereca, Dominic McQuerry, and Erin Troedson. 2024. From Crisis to Housing: A Comparison of Select Homeless Shelters from Across the United States. Journal of Poverty.
Lie Philip Santoso
Santoso, Lie Philip. 2024. “Who Cooperates with Whom? The Role of Day-to-Day Partisan Cooperation on Affective Polarization”.
Meifang Chen
Chen, M., & Liu, J. (2024). Effects of traditional Chinese medicines on weight management among adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review and network meta‐analysis. Obesity Science & Practice, 10(3), e763.
Paula Ganga
Ganga, P. Ties That Bind: Tied Aid and Economic Growth. St Comp Int Dev (2024).
Paula D. Ganga. Bringing the state back in: Populism and economic nationalism in Europe. Social Science Quarterly (2024), № 6, p. 2003-2016.
Peiyuan Li
Li, Peiyuan, Li, Wei . (2024) Wrongful Convictions with Chinese Characteristics. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 32(1), 143–163.
Pippa Morgan
Pippa Morgan, Andrea GhiselliBlowback: When China’s Belt and Road Initiative Meets Democratic Institutions
Morgan P. China’s Relations with Africa: A New Era of Strategic Engagement David H. Shinn and Joshua Eisenman. New York: Columbia University Press, 2023. xx + 484 pp. $35.00; £30.00 (pbk). ISBN 9780231210010. The China Quarterly. 2024;260:1098-1099. doi:10.1017/S0305741024001498
Puyang Li
Puyang Li, Yujia Zhang, B.L. Turner II, Wei Li. 2024. Chinese sisal estates and smallholder land uses and livelihoods, Kilosa, Central Tanzania. World Development.
Rasoul Namazi
“Leo Strauss and Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Ancients and Moderns, Esotericism, and the Challenge of Religion.” In Leo Strauss on Religion: Writings and Interpretations, edited. Svetozar Minkov and Rasoul Namazi, 259‒273. New York: SUNY, 2024.
Wen Zhou
Zhou, W., Bowie, A., Tan, J., & Hare, B. (2024). Humanizing Animals Does Not Reduce Blatant Dehumanization by Children or Adults. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 100194.
Xin Jin
Balke, N. S., Jin, X., & Yücel, M. (2024). The shale revolution and the dynamics of the oil market. The Economic Journal, ueae013.
Gronwald, M., & Jin, X. (2024). Measuring world oil market integration with a Thick Pen. Energy Economics, 130, Article 107315.
Nathan S Balke, Xin Jin, Mine Yücel, The Shale Revolution and the Dynamics of the Oil Market, The Economic Journal, Volume 134, Issue 662, August 2024, Pages 2252–2289,
Xiaochen Zhang
Zhang, X., Yang, X., Jia, Y., Xu, J. et al. Navigating the implementation gap for Trastuzumab’s journey from health insurance to patient access: a preliminary study in a hospital in China. glob health res policy 9, 50 (2024).
Yanran Yang
Andersen, S. K., Yang, Y., Kross, E. K., Haas, B., Geagea, A., May, T. L., … & White, D. B. (2024). Achieving Goals of Care Decisions in Chronic Critical Illness: A Multi-Institutional Qualitative Study. Chest.
Yeshim Iqbal
Yeshim Iqbal, Sneha Bolisetty, Anaga Ramachandran, Silvana Freire, Lizzie Goodfriend, Shikhty Sunny, Taslima Begum. Developing and Implementing a Measure of Quality of Home Visit Interactions for Fathers: the Rohingya Camps and Host Communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
Tahiya Mahbub; Shikhty Sunny; Yeshim Iqbal; Lizzie Goodfriend (2024). Community Engagement for Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programs: Perspectives of the Rohingya and Other Stakeholders in Cox’s Bazar.
Yu Wang
Wang, Y. (Forthcoming). Age-discrepant Marriages and Educational Assortative Mating in Urban China: The Exchange of Youth for Status? Journal of Marriage and Family.
Wang, Y. (Forthcoming). Ageing and Sociology of Family and Partnership. In A. Motel-Klingebiel, L. Foster, & B. M. Luo-Hermanson (Eds.), Research Handbook on the Sociology of Ageing. Edward Elgar: The Handbook Series, London, UK.
Yuan Wang
Wang, Y. & Zhang, H. (2024). ‘Individual Agency and Structural Constraints in South-South Policy Transfer: China and Ethiopia’s Industrial Park Development.’ Review of International Political Economy.
Yujia Zhang
Li, P., Zhang, Y., Turner II, B. L., & Li, W. (2024). Chinese sisal estates and smallholder land uses and livelihoods, Kilosa, Central Tanzania. World Development, 177, 106558.
Selected Publications 2023
Meifang Chen
Chen, M., Weissglass, D., Li, C., Li, D., Wu, Z., & Zhang, L. (2023). A Multisectoral and Multidisciplinary Endeavor: A Review of Diabetes Self-Management Apps in China. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1859. 23, 1859 (2023).
Vogeler, C. S., van den Dool, A., & Chen, M.* (2023). Programmatic action in Chinese health policy –The making and design of “Healthy China 2030”. Review of Policy Research, 40, 534 -552.
Chen, M., Thapa, D., Ma, R., Weissglass, D., Li, H., & Karmachaya, B. (2023). Impact of federalization for health financing and workforce in Nepal. Global Health Research and Policy, 8(1), 19.
Andrew Cheon
Cheon, A. (2023). Fueling State Capitalism: How Domestic Politics Shapes Foreign Investments of National Oil Companies. Oxford University Press.
Nellie Chu
Chu, Nellie. 2023. “Prophetic Becoming: The Prosperity Doctrine in Guangzhou, China” Chapter in New World Orderings: China and the Global South edited by Carlos Rojas and Lisa Rofel.
Jingbo Cui
Cui, Jingbo, Shaoqing Huang, and Chunhua Wang*, 2023, “The Impact of Air Quality on Innovation Activities in China,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 122: 102893.
Cui, Jingbo*, Tianqi Li, and Zhenxuan Wang, 2023, “Research Collaboration beyond the Boundary: Evidence from University Patents in China,” Journal of Regional Science, 63(3): 674-702.
Lin, Shen and Jingbo Cui*, 2023, “Chin Aid and Food Security: Evidence from Chinese Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center in Africa,” China Economic Quarterly, 23(5): 1758-1776.
Seongkyung Cho
Mossberger, K., Cho, S., Cheong, P. H., & Kuznetsova, D. (2023). The public good and public attitudes toward data sharing through IoT. Policy & Internet, 15(3), 370-396.
Annemieke van den Dool
Van den Dool, A. (2023). “The Multiple Streams Framework in a Nondemocracy: The Long March Towards China’s Soil Pollution Law.” In A Modern Guide to the Multiple Streams Framework, edited by N. Zahariadis, N. Herweg, R. Zohlnhöfer, and E. Petridou. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
van den Dool, A., & Li, J. (2023). “What Do We Know about the Punctuated Equilibrium theory in China? A Systematic Review and Research Priorities.” Policy Studies Journal.
Vogeler, C. S., van den Dool, A., & Chen, M. (2023). “Programmatic Action in Chinese Health Policy—The Making and Design of “Healthy China 2030”.” Review of Policy Research.
van den Dool, A. (2023). “The Multiple Streams Framework in a Nondemocracy: The Infeasibility of a National Ban on Live Poultry Sales in China.” Policy Studies Journal.
Gergely Horvath
Horváth, G. (2023). Peer effects through receiving advice in job search: An experimental study. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 216, 494-519.
Ao, Z., Horváth, G., Sheng, C., Song, Y., & Sun, Y. (2023). Skill requirements in job advertisements: A comparison of skill-categorization methods based on wage regressions. Information Processing & Management, 60(2), 103185.
Jianzi He
He, Jianzi & Kyle Jaros. (2023). “The Multilevel Politics of County-to-district Mergers in China.” Journal of Contemporary China, 32(144): 932-950.
Baozhen M. Luo-Hermanson
Yan, Zhe, and Baozhen Luo. 2023. “‘It’s Your Liangxin that Tells You What To Do’: Interpreting Workplace-Induced Emotions in a Chinese Nursing Home.” Journal of Aging Studies 64: 101111.
Hyun Jeong Ha
Jason Klocek*, Hyun Jeong Ha, and Nathanael Sumaktoyo. 2023. “Regime Change and Discrimination towards Religious Minorities after the Arab Uprisings” 60(3): 489-503. Journal of Peace Research (* indicates corresponding author; Equal authorship).
Kristinn Már Ársælsson
Gastil, J., Ársælsson, K. M., Knobloch, K. R., Brinker, D. L., Richards Jr, R. C., Reedy, J., & Burkhalter, S. (2023). Deliberative panels as a source of public knowledge: A large-sample test of the Citizens’ Initiative Review. PloS one, 18(7), e0288188.
Ársælsson, KM. (2023). Book Review: The New Handbook of Political Sociology. Acta Sociologica, 66(1), 114-115. htt
Rasoul Namazi
Hegel in Iran. Appropriations of Hegelian Thought in Iranian Debates on Modernity, Islam, and Nationalism with Mehdi Mirabian Tabar (equal contribution). Global Intellectual History 8, no. 2 (2023): 163‒185.
Islamic Political Thought and the ‘Constitution of Medina, Comparative Political Theory 3, no. 2 (2023): 129‒153.
Markus Neumann
Claudia Nisa
Nisa* C. F. et al. (2023). COVID-19 may have increased global support for universal health coverage – multi-country observational study. Frontiers in Public Health.
Fang, Y., Tong, X., Nisa, C. F. & Yan, L. (2023). Effectiveness of eHealth Smoking Cessation Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Douglas, K., Sutton, R. M., Caspar, V. L., Wolfgang, S., Jannis, K., Maximilian, A., Jocelyn, B., Ben, G., Georgios, A., Jamila Hanum Abdul, K & Nisa, C. F. part of the PsyCorona Collaboration (2023). Identifying important individual- and country-level predictors of conspiracy theorizing: A machine learning analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Westgate, E.C., Buttrick, N., Lin, Y., El Helou, G., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., Nisa, C. F. & PsyCorona Collaboration (2023). Pandemic boredom: Little evidence that lockdown-related boredom affected risky public health behaviors across 116 countries . Emotion.
Bogdan-Constantin, I., Carmen, P.G., Alexandra, G., Mioara, C., …, Nisa, C. F. & PsyCorona Collaboration (2023). The Evolution of Job Insecurity in Spatial Contexts in Europe During COVID-19 Pandemic. International Regional Science Review.
Abakoumkin, G., Tseliou, E., McCabe, K. O., Lemay Jr, E. P., Stroebe, W., Agostini, M., Nisa, C. F. & PsyCorona Collaboration & Leander, N. P. (2023). Conceptual replication and extension of health behavior theories’ predictions in the context of COVID‐19: Evidence across countries and over time. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12909.
Lie Philip Santoso
Lie Philip, Randolph Stevenson, and Simon Weschle. 2023. “What Drives Perceptions of Partisan Cooperation?”. Forthcoming at Political Science Research and Methods.
Adhikari, Bimal, Jeffrey King, and Lie Philip Santoso. 2023. “The limits of shame: UN shaming, NGO repression, and women’s protests.” Forthcoming at Conflict Management and Peace Science.
Peiyuan Li
Li, Peiyuan. (2023) The sin of words: Censorship and self-censorship in China during the Qing dynasty (1644–1911). Asia-Pacific Economic History Review, 63 (2), 145–165.
Fan Liang
Liang, F. & Lu, S. (2023). The dynamics of event-based political influencers on Twitter: A longitudinal analysis of influential accounts during Chinese political events, Social Media + Society, 1-12.
Liang, F., Zhu, Q., & Li, M. (2023). The effects of flagging propaganda sources on news sharing: Quasi-experimental evidence from Twitter, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 28 (4), 909-928.
Liang, F. & Campbell, S. (2023). Technological acceptance and social shaping of 5G: Quantitative and qualitative Insights from China and the US, International Communication Gazette, 1-17.
Xu, P., Krueger, B., *Liang, F., Zhang, M, Hutchison, M., & Chang, M. (2023). Media framing and public support for China’s Social Credit System: An experimental study, New Media & Society, 1-19.
Paula Ganga
Paula Ganga. 2023. “Quantum Technology and Cybersecurity Challenges: The Role of the Government,” chapter in Transforming the Business of Government: Insights on Resiliency, Innovation, and Performance, the IBM Center for The Business of Government.
Yu Wang
Zhou, Y., Li, D., Cao, Y., Lai, F., Wang, Y., Long, Q., Zhang, Z., An, C., & Xu, X. (2023). Immunization coverage, knowledge, satisfaction, and associated factors of non-National Immunization Program vaccines among migrant and left-behind families in China: Evidence from Zhejiang and Henan provinces. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 12(93).
Jin, Chuyao., Dai, Xiaochen., Mishra, Gita., Wang, Y., and Xu, Xiaolin. (2023). Childhood socioeconomic disadvantage and risks of depression and physical multimorbidity in later life: Results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Maturitas 167 (1):17-23.
Yuan Wang
Keping Wu
2023. with Robert Weller, “Religion in the Folded City: Origami and the Boundaries of the Chronotope,” Comparative Studies in Society and History: 1-22.
Yanran Yang
Yang, Y., Wong-Parodi, G., & Fischhoff, B. (2023) Visual Displays for Communicating Scientific Uncertainty in Influenza Forecasts. Frontiers in Communication, 8, 1232156.
Woloshin, S., Yang, Y., & Fischhoff, B. (2023). Communicating health information with visual displays. Nature Medicine 29, 1085-1091.
Yujia Zhang
Wei, R., Zhang, Y., Gao, S., Brown, B. J., Hu, S., & Link, B. G. (2023). Health disparity in the spread of COVID-19: Evidence from social distancing, risk of interactions, and access to testing. Health & place, 82, 103031.
Selected Publications 2022
Nellie Chu
Chu, Nellie (co-author). 2022. Introduction to special issue volume co-written by Nellie Chu, Ralph Litzinger, Mengqi Wang, and Qian Zhu titled, “Villages Make the City: Displacement, Dispossession, and Class in China’s Urban Villages,” , Vol. 30(3): 411-427.
Chu, Nellie. 2022. “ Peasant Landlords and the Infrastructures of Accumulation in Guangzhou’s Urban Villages” article contribution to special issue volume titled, “Villages Make the City” Displacement, Dispossession, and Class in China’s Urban Villages, positions: east asia critique, Volume 30(3): 479-499.
Jingbo Cui
Cui, Jingbo, Zhenxuan Wang*, and Haishan Yu, 2022, “Can International Climate Cooperation Induce Knowledge Spillover to Developing Countries: Evidence from CDM,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 82: 923-951.
Annemieke van den Dool
Liu, Y., & van den Dool, A. (2022). “Legitimizing Postcrisis Policy Change: Crisis-Framing Strategies by Public Leaders in China.” Natural Hazards Review.
Gergely Horvath
Horváth, G., & Zhang, R. (2022). Ethnic entrepreneurship, assimilation, and integration policy. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 24(4), 781-816.
Horvath, G. (2022). Alleviating behavioral biases at job search: Do nudges work?. Plos one, 17(4), e0266105.
Fan Liang
Liang, F. & Chen, Y. (2022). The making of “good” citizens: China’s Social Credit Systems and infrastructures of social quantification. Policy & Internet, 1-22.
Rasoul Namazi
The Sharī’a of The Republic. Islamic Law and Philosophy in Averroes’s Commentary on Plato’s Republic.” In Plato’s Republic in the Islamic Context. New Perspectives on Averroes’s Commentary, edited. Alexander Orwin, 160‒181. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 2022.
Markus Neumann
Markus Neumann, Erika Franklin Fowler, and and Travis Ridout. 2022. “Body Language and Gender Stereotypes in Campaign Video.” Computational Communication Research 4 (1).
Claudia Nisa
Nisa, C.F., Bélanger, J.J., & Schumpe B.M. (2022). Assessing the effectiveness of food waste messaging. Environmental Science and Policy.
Schumpe, B., Van Lissa, C., Bélanger, J., Ruggeri, K., Mierau, J., Nisa, C. F. part of the PsyCorona Collaboration (2022). Predictors of adherence to public health behaviors for fighting COVID-19 derived from longitudinal data. Scientific Reports
Enea, V., Eisenbeck, N., Carreño, D.F., Douglas, K.M., Sutton, R.M., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J.J., Nisa, C. F. part of the PsyCorona Collaboration (2022). Intentions to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: The role of conspiracy beliefs and pro-sociality in 26 countries. Health Communication
Bélanger, J.J., Adam-Troian, J., Nisa, C.F., & Schumpe, B.M. (2022). Ideological Passion and Radical Activism: The Moderating Role of the Significance Quest. British Journal of Psychology
Jonathan Spiegler
Spiegler, J., Güereca, C., McQuerry, D., & Troedson, E. (2024). From crisis to housing: a comparison of select homeless shelters from across the United States. Journal of Poverty, 28(2), 73-90.
Pippa Morgan
‘Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Supplies to the Global South: Between Politics and Business’, published in 2022 by Bristol University Press.
Mengqi Wang
Nellie Chu, Ralph Litzinger, Mengqi Wang, Qian Zhu (Eds.).2022, Special Issue: “Villages that make the City,” Positions: Asia Critique, 30 (3).
Mengqi Wang, 2022, Calculating Needs and Prescribing Properties: Chaiqian and the Commensuration of Value at Nanjing’s Urban Edge. Special Issue: “Villages that make the City,” Positions: Asia Critique, 30 (3): 501-521.
Nellie Chu, Ralph Litzinger, Mengqi Wang, Qian Zhu., 2022, Introduction: The Urban In-Between. Special Issue: “Villages that make the City,” Positions: Asia Critique, 30 (3), 411-427.
Yuan Wang
Wang, Y. (2022). ‘Presidential extraversion: Understanding the politics of Sino-African mega-infrastructure projects.’ World Development, 158, 105976.
Wang, Y. (2022). ‘Executive agency and State capacity in development: Comparing Sino-African railways in Kenya and Ethiopia.’ Comparative Politics, 54(2), 349-373.
Yeshim Iqbal
Iqbal, Y. (2022) Speaking up vs. Standing your Ground: The Role of Women’s Social Networks in Responding to Street Harassment. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. 1-14,
Yujia Zhang
Zhang, Y., Smith, J. P., Tong, D., & Turner Ii, B. L. (2022). Optimizing the co-benefits of food desert and urban heat mitigation through community garden planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, 104488.
Wen Zhou
Zhou, W., & Hare, B. (2022). The early expression of blatant dehumanization in children and its association with outgroup negativity. Human nature, 33(2), 196-214.
Selected Publications 2021
Meifang Chen
Chen, M., Creger, T., Howard, V., Judd, S. E., Harrington, K. F., & Fontaine, K. R. (2021). Geospatial analysis of Mediterranean diet adherence in the United States. Public health nutrition, 24(10), 2920-2928.
Jingbo Cui
Cui, Jingbo, Chunhua Wang*, Junjie Zhang*, and Yang Zheng, 2021, “The Effectiveness of China’s Regional Carbon Market Pilots in Reducing Firm Emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 118 (52).
Cui, Jingbo, Xueli Zhang, Ziyin Zhuang*, and Yu Chen, 2021, “Firm Exports and Innovation: Evidence from Zhongguancun Firm-level Innovation Data,” Management World, 1: 76-87.
Kristinn Már Ársealsson
Már, K. (2020). Partisan affective polarization: Sorting, entrenchment, and fortification. Public Opinion Quarterly, 84(4), 915-935.
Rasoul Namazi
Religion and the Commonweal in the Tradition of Political Philosophy’ An Unpublished Lecture by Leo Strauss” with Svetozar Minkov (equal contribution). American Political Thought 10, no. 1 (2021): 86‒120
Alfarabi as Leo Strauss’s Teacher of Platonic Esoteric Writing. Leo Strauss’s Rediscovery of Esotericism and its Islamic Origin.” In Esoteric Transfers and Constructions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, edited. Mark Sedgwick & Francesco Piraino, 131‒149. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
Machiavelli’s Critique of Classical Philosophy and his Case for the Political Life,” Perspectives on Political Science 50, no. 3 (2021): 171‒181
Review of The Idols of ISIS: From Assyria to the Internet by Aaron Tugendhaft. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 48, no. 3 (2021)
Markus Neumann
Claudia Nisa
Nisa, C. F., Bélanger, J. J., Schumpe, B. M., & Sasin, E. M. (2021). Secure human attachment can promote support for climate change mitigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(37), e2101046118.
Gómez, Á., Bélanger, J., Chinchilla, J., Vázquez, A., Schumpe, B., Nisa, C. F., Chiclana, S. Admiration for Martyrs: The Emotion that Binds Jihadists to Islamic Radical Groups Through Identity Fusion (2021). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
Bélanger, J.J., Collier, K.E., Nisa, C.F., & Schumpe, B. M. (2021). Crimes of Passion: When Romantic Obsession Leads to Abusive Relationships. Journal of Personality
Schumpe, B., Belanger, J., Nisa, C. F. & Moyano, M. (2021). When diversity leads to closed-mindedness: Cognitive factors explain the effects of perceived diversity. Current Psychology.
Stroebe, W., VanDellen, M., Psycororona Collaboration, Nisa, C. F. & Leander, N. P. (2021). Politicization of COVID-19 Health-Protective Behaviors in the United States: Longitudinal and Cross-National Evidence. PLOS One
Keping Wu
Weller, R. P., & Wu, K. (2021). Overnight urbanization and changing spirits: disturbed ecosystems in Southern Jiangsu. Current Anthropology, 62(5), 602-630.
Yu Wang
Schwartz, C. R., Wang, Y., & Mare, R. D. (2021). Opportunity and change in occupational assortative mating. Social Science Research, 99, 102600.
Yeshim Iqbal
Iqbal, Y., Sunny, S., Alif, A. Yoshikawa, H., & Shorna, M.A. (2021) Family Socialization and Experiences of Early Childhood Programs in the Rohingya Camps: Study Protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 1-8
Xiaochen Zhang
Zhang, X. (2021). Does high-speed railway strengthen the ties among nearby regions ? Evidence from China. Asian Transport Studies, 7(October), 100039.
Zhang, X. (2021). How Does the Age Structure Affect Local Economies in the US? Review of Regional Studies, 129–160.
Kim, M. J., Xie, X., & Zhang, X. (2021). How does an environmental amenity attract voluntary migrants? Evidence from ambient air quality in china. Sustainability, 13(12), 1–19.
Selected Publications 2020
Meifang Chen
Chen, M., Howard, V., Harrington, K. F., Creger, T., Judd, S. E., & Fontaine, K. R. (2020). Does adherence to mediterranean diet mediate the association between food environment and obesity among non-hispanic black and white older US Adults? A path analysis. American Journal of Health Promotion, 34(6), 652-658.
Jingbo Cui
Cui, Jingbo* and GianCarlo Moschini, 2020, “Firm Internal Network, Environmental Regulation, and Plant Death,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 101: 102319.
Xu, Jia and Jingbo Cui*, 2020, “Low-carbon City Pilots and Firms’ Environmental Innovation,” China Industrial Economics, 12: 178-196.
Gergely Horvath
Horváth, G. (2020). The Impact of Social Segregation on the Labor Market Outcomes of Low‐Skilled Workers. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122(1), 3-37.
Horváth, G. (2020). The impact of marital status on job finding: A field experiment in the chinese labor market. The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 20(4), 20190364.
Antinyan, A., Horvath, G., & Jia, M. (2020). Positional concerns and social network structure: An experiment. European Economic Review, 129, 103547.
Antinyan, A., Horváth, G., & Jia, M. (2020). Curbing the consumption of positional goods: Behavioral interventions versus taxation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 179, 1-21.
Kristinn Már Ársælsson
Már, K., & Gastil, J. (2020). Tracing the boundaries of motivated reasoning: How deliberative minipublics can improve voter knowledge. Political Psychology, 41(1), 107-127.
Rasoul Namazi
Politics, Religion, and Love: How Leo Strauss Read the Arabian Nights,” The Journal of Religion 100, no. 2 (2020): 189–222
Review of Illuminationist Texts and Textual Studies: Essays in Memory of Hossein Ziai, Ali Gheissari, John Walbridge, and Ahmed Alwishah (eds.). Iranian Studies 53, no. 5–6 (2020): 1013‒1016.
Markus Neumann
Claudia Nisa
Nisa, C. F. et al. (2020). Alternative meta-analysis of behavioral interventions to promote action on climate change yields different conclusions: Re. Nature Communications, 11, 3901.
Nisa, C. F. et al. (2020). A Reexamination on How Behavioral Interventions Can Promote Household Action to Limit Climate Change: Re. Nature Communications, 11, 919
Nisa, C. F. et al. (2020). On solid ground: Interpersonal attachment promotes place attachment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 70, 101463.
Schumpe, B. M., Bélanger, J. J., & Nisa, C. F. (2020). The Reactance Decoy Effect: How Including an Appeal Before a Target Message Increases Persuasion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Bélanger, J. J., Schumpe, B. M., & Nisa, C. F. (2020). When Countermessaging Backfires: The Role of Obsessive Passion in Psychological Reactance. Motivation Science.
Selected Publications 2019
Meifang Chen
Chen, M., Creger, T., Howard, V., Judd, S. E., Harrington, K. F., & Fontaine, K. R. (2019). Association of community food environment and obesity among US adults: a geographical information system analysis. J Epidemiol Community Health, 73(2), 148-155.
Nellie Chu
Chu, Nellie. 2019. “Maternal Longing and Jiagongchang Household Workshops as Marginal Hubs of Subcontracted Labor in Guangzhou, China,” Modern Asian Studies, Volume 53: 800-821.
Chu, Nellie. 2019. “The Spatial Imaginaries of Fast Fashion,” Chapter in edited by Sharon Heijin Lee, Christina Moon, and Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu, New York: NYU Press.
Gergely Horvath
Choo, L., Grimm, V., Horváth, G., & Nitta, K. (2019). Whistleblowing and diffusion of responsibility: An experiment. European Economic Review, 119, 287-301.
Antinyan, A., Horváth, G., & Jia, M. (2019). Social status competition and the impact of income inequality in evolving social networks: An agent-based model. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 79, 53-69.
Rasoul Namazi
Ayatollah Khomeini: From Islamic Government to Sovereign State,” Iranian Studies 51, no. 1 (2019): 111–131.
John Locke, la médecine pratique et la politique économique.” In Médecins et politique: XVIe-XXe siècles – Études d’histoire des idées politiques et sociales, edited. Julien Broch, 59–65. Bordeaux: L.E.H. Édition, 2019
Claudia Nisa
Nisa, C. F. et al. (2019). Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials testing behavioral interventions to promote household action on climate change. Nature Communications, 4545
Bélanger, J. J., Schumpe, B. M., & Nisa, C. F. (2019). How passionate individuals regulate their activity with other life domains/ A goal-systemic perspective. Journal of Personality, 87, 1136
Bélanger, J. J., Nisa, C. F., Schumpe, B. M., & Chamberland, P. E. (2019). Using implementation intentions to change passion/ The role of environmental mastery and basic psychological needs. Motivation Science, 5(4), 343-356.
Schumpe, B. M., Bélanger, J. J., Moyano, M., & Nisa, C. F. (2018). The role of sensation seeking in political violence/ An extension of the Significance Quest Theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Yuan Wang
Wang, Y. and U. Wissenbach, (2019). ‘Clientelism at work? A case study of Kenyan Standard Gauge Railway project.’ Economic History of Developing Regions, 34/3: 280-299.
Selected Publications 2018
Nellie Chu
Chu, Nellie. 2018. “Paradoxes of Creativity in the Age of Fast Fashion in South China,” Culture, Theory, and Critique 59(1): 1-15.
Baozhen M. Luo-Hermanson
Luo, B., & Zhan, S. (2018). Crossing the river by feeling for the stones: contesting models of marketization and the development of China’s long-term care services. Journal of Chinese Governance, 3(4), 438-460
Rasoul Namazi
Leo Strauss on Thomas Hobbes and Plato: Two Previously Unpublished Lectures,” Perspectives on Political Science 47, no.4 (2018): 239–256.
Yu Wang
Wang, Y & Schwartz, C. R. (2018). Hukou Intermarriage and Social Exclusion in China. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 56:28-39.