Yeshim Iqbal

Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science

Dr. Yeshim Iqbal is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Behavioral Sciences at Duke Kunshan University. Prior to this, she was Senior Research Scientist at Global TIESA for Children, New York University. She has a PhD from the Psychology and Social Intervention Program in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University and a B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University. She worked for three years as a Research Coordinator at the Harvard Laboratory for Developmental Studies. She then went on to found Kaan Pete Roi, the first emotional support and suicide prevention helpline in Bangladesh. Broadly, her work and research examines how people respond to violence, both in their everyday lives and in their group’s histories, and how belonging to certain social groups influence those responses. She examines the ethics and implementation of mental health and early childhood interventions in contexts of conflict and crisis.


